Wednesday, April 2, 2014

I did it

I must have been about 7 years old when a friend first showed me the demo for Settlers 2. Last week I celebrated my 27th birthday. Yesterday I celebrated finishing Settlers 2 for the very first time.

Twenty years.

That's something to ponder.

In hindsight, the game wasn't particularly difficult, but I had to learn a few things here and there. Back when I started this blog, I lived in an apartment without internet. I quickly beat the first 6 missions but got stuck on the seventh. Soon after, a neighbor gave me his wifi pass and Guild Wars 2 released. That game occupied me for the majority of my gaming time for over a year, hence the delay on finishing this game.

To finish this game I had to learn two important things which I didn't know 20 years ago. Soldiers have to be upgraded in fortresses, catapults don't break peace.

To finish it today, I had to learn to sit back and sink a few hours into a game without being distracted by online games, videos and partners. This game is slow, the mechanics clunky. Moving your army around to optimize coin use can easily take 20 minutes.

I'm interested in speedrun times. Anything less than 10 hours for the full campaign would be very impressive.

1 comment:

  1. haha, it took me about 20 years to figure out those things too! I'd play the campaign every 2-3 years, and each time I got a bit further. Once you figure out how to upgrade soldiers efficiently, the game really isn't that hard, just time consuming.

    Well, I'm commenting a year and a half after the fact, but still, congrats! say it proudly: Veni, Vidi, Vici!
